
Nouveauté : Toutes les publications par laboratoires de l’UFR de chimie  regroupées
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S. Combet, F. Cousin, H. Rezaei, S. Noinville

Membrane interaction of off-pathway prion oligomers and lipid-induced...

Abstract: Soluble oligomers of prion proteins (PrP), produced during amyloid aggregation, have emerged as the primary neurotoxic species, instead of the fibrillar end-products, in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies...

Exporter la référence : DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2018.12.001
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M. Veneranda, J. Aramendia, L. Bellot-Gurlet, P. Colomban, J.M. Madariaga

FTIR spectroscopic semi-quantification of iron phases: A new method to evaluate the protection ability index (PAI) of archaeological artefacts corrosion systems

This study proposes an innovative approach to semi-quantify the main iron corrosion phases found in corrosion systems of archaeological artefacts. This method is based on the treatment of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) data using a homemade spectra decomposition software (PALME). Its application was first tested on mixtures of pure iron corrosion standards. After optimization, it was used to study real archaeological samples and evaluate the stability of their corrosion system. Considering that reliable and repetitive results were reached using extremely small quantities of material, this method can be particularly suitable for the study of iron-based objects of cultural interest.

Exporter la référence : DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2018.01.016
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D. Veys-Renaux, S. Reguer, L. Bellot-Gurlet, F. Mirambet, E. Rocca

Conversion of steel by polyphenolic model molecules: Corrosion inhibition mechanism by rutin, esculin, esculetol

This paper focuses on the potential corrosion protection of steel in presence of three polyphenolic model molecules (rutin, esculin, esculetol) in a weak acidic medium (pH = 4). From an electrochemical point of view, the cathodic inhibition was attributed to the oxygen scavenger role of the considered antioxidant compounds. SEM observations, Raman spectroscopy and Synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed furthermore the formation of a surface film by precipitation of iron polyphenolate conversion products, in which iron III is likely coordinated with free-catechol groups. Glycosylated catechol groups are rather adsorbed on a FeOOH layer.

Exporter la référence : DOI: 10.1016/j.corsci.2018.02.015
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D. Gaspard, C. Paris, P. Loubry, G. Luquet

Raman investigation of the pigment families in recent and fossil brachiopod shells

Abstract: Shells of the three subphyla of extant and extinct representatives of the phylum Brachiopoda display coloured patterns with diverse shapes and at different degrees...

Exporter la référence : DOI:10.1016/j.saa.2018.09.050 (2018)
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P. Colomban, V. Jauzein

5 - Silk: Fibers, films, and composites-types, processing, structure, and mechanics

Abstract: Silk fibers are produced by a variety of animals, but the most widely used silk is made from the cocoon of the Bombyx mori larvae. Silk from spiders has been seen to possess greater strength and elongation to failure, and this has prompted research into improving the properties of traditional silk for textile applications and also for more technical uses.

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P. Asselin, A. Potapov, A. C. Turner, V. Boudon, L. Bruel, M.-A. Gaveau and M. Mons

Conformational landscape of the SF6 dimer as revealed by high resolution infrared spectroscopy and complexation with rare gas atoms

Abstract: Taking advantage of a versatile set-up, combining pulsed pin hole or slit nozzle supersonic expansion with an external cavity quantum cascade laser, the rovibrational absorption spectrum of the SF6 dimer in the ν3 mode region has been revisited at high resolution under various experimental conditions in SF6:He mixtures...

Exporter la référence : Doi: 10.1039/C7CP02529G (2018)
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J. Vander Auwera, V. Bourdon, S. Reymond-Laruinaz, D. Doizi, L. Manceron

Line intensity measurements and analysis in the nu(3) band of ruthenium tetroxide

Abstract: Ruthenium tetroxide (RuO4) is a heavy tetrahedral molecule characterized by an unusual volatility near ambient temperature. Because of its chemical toxicity and the radiological impact of its ¹⁰³Ru and ¹⁰⁶Ru isotopologues, the possible remote sensing of this compound in the atmosphere has renewed interest in its spectroscopic properties.

Exporter la référence : DOI: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2017.09.016
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J.M. Flaud, A. Perrin, F.Kwabia Tchana, L. Manceron

First infrared high resolution analysis of the ν 5 band of phosgene 37 Cl 2 CO

Abstract: A Fourier transform spectrum of phosgene (Cl2CO) has been recorded in the 11.8μm spectral region at low temperature and at a resolution of 0.00102cm⁻¹ using a Bruker IFS125HR spectrometer coupled to synchrotron radiation leading to the observation of the ν 5 vibrational band of the isotopologue ³⁷Cl2CO...

Exporter la référence : DOI: 10.1016/j.jms.2017.08.007
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M. Orange, F.X. Le Bourdonnec, A. D'Anna, P. Tramoni, C. Luglié, L. Bellot-Gurlet, A. Scheffers, H. Marchesi, J.L. Guendon, R. Joannes-Boyau

Obsidian economy on the Cauria Plateau (South Corsica, Middle Neolithic): New evidence from Renaghju and I Stantari

This paper aims to study and compare the obsidian economies of Renaghju and I Stantari, two neighbouring Neolithic sites located on the Cauria plateau (south-western Corsica). The occupation phase 3 of Renaghju and phase 1 of I Stantari, both attributed to the Middle Neolithic (fifth millennium BC), have provided respectively 112 and 99 obsidian artefacts. With the aim of completing our rather lacunary knowledge of the obsidian consumption behaviours in place in Corsica during this period, the entire assemblages have been geochemically characterised virtually non-destructively using LA-ICP-MS at SOLARIS (Southern Cross University [SCU]). Our analyses revealed that, while the obsidian raw materials were exclusively sourced from the Monte Arci complex in Sardinia (SA, SB2, and SC sub-types only), rather different consumption patterns are observed for the two sites despite their comparable nature (megalithic sites) and geographical proximity (400 m apart). These differences in obsidian consumption on adjacent sites could be explained by their divergent functions (ceremonial site [Renaghju] vs. ceremonial locus and large settlement [I Stantari]), or eventually point towards the need for a readjustment of the chronological attribution of the I Stantari phase 1 occupation level.

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M.P. Belançon, G. Simon

Low frequency Raman study of the Boson peak in a Tellurite-tungstate glass over temperature

Abstract: In this work we present our findings performing low frequency Raman measurements over temperature in a tellurite-tungstate glass sample. The spectra could be fitted by using only two log-Gaussians, which suggests that quasi-elastic light scattering is negligible...

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